If you still have not started doing digital marketing, consider doing it as soon as possible. With an umpteen number of businesses striving to attain a top position in the leaderboard, today’s market is continuing to witness tight competition. Businesses are making use of everything at their disposal to give a good fight in the […]
Author Archives: Mizzle
How To Improve Your Website Speed
Make fewer HTTP requests
Decreasing the number of components on a page reduces the number of HTTP requests required to render the page, resulting in faster page loads. Some ways to reduce the number of components include: combine files, combine multiple scripts into one script, combine multiple CSS files into one style sheet, and use CSS Sprites and image maps.
Quick Introduction to jQuery AJAX
Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX) makes it possible to load data in the background and display it without refreshing the page. AJAX helps you develop more interactive web applications.
AJAX uses an object of XMLHttpRequest for the communication between the application and the server.
Regular expressions in PHP
Regular expressions is a special text string for describing a search pattern. Regular expressions are used to
1) Search a string inside a string
2) Replace strings
3) Split strings
4) Data Validation (email address, IP address)
Top 10 uses of .htaccess file
.htaccess is a configuration file used in Apache Web Server. Apache detects and executes the .htaccess file if found. .htaccess file can be used to enable/disable additional functionality of apache web server. This file affects the files and sub directories in the directory it is placed in.
Below are the top 10 usage of htaccess files
1) Security
.htaccess files are often used to provide security restriction for a particular directory. The .htpaswd file is used along with .htaccess file to password protect a directory.
PHP troubleshooting – Browser shows the PHP code instead of running it.
You have written your first PHP script and seeing the code in the browser instead of running the script? Here are few quick tips that will help you fix this issue. Make sure you have a web server set up to run PHP. Even though most web servers support PHP, you can confirm it by […]
PHP classes, objects, methods and properties
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is more advanced and efficient way of programming than the procedural style. OOP helps you in better code organization and reduces repeat of code. OOP concept was added to php5, to build complex and reusable web applications. The OOP in PHP starts by creating a class. Here is how we create a […]
Quick introduction to JavaScript
JavaScript and Java are completely different languages, in concept and in design. JavaScript is a client-side programming language and is the default scripting language in HTML and is used to program the behavior of web pages. JavaScript can 1) Change the HTML content 2) Change the HTML Attributes 3) Change the HTML Styles (CSS) 4) […]
Why HTTPS is more secure than HTTP
Here is a quick introduction on HTTPS and the benefits of HTTPS over HTTP. HTTP – Hypertext Transfer ProtocolHTTPS – Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer HTTPS is a communications protocol for secure communication over the Internet which makes an encrypted connection between the browser and the web server. HTTPS is often used to […]
Quick Comparison between PDO (PHP Data Objects) and MySQli
Quick comparison between PDO and MySQL. 1) MySQLi supports only MySQL database where as PDO supports different database systems like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. 2) PDO supports named paramaters which makes it flexible and easier. MySQLi doesn’t support named parameters. MySQLi provides question mark parameter binding and we must keep track of paramater […]